A place to find or donate gently-used medical equipment:

Spurwink ALLTECH accepts a wide variety of secondhand donations that are refurbished, cleaned, and either offered for short-term loan or for sale at a significant discount.
Our Recycle & Reuse program accepts donations of gently-used durable medical equipment and assistive technology related to mobility, self-care, and environmental access. These items are restored to working order as needed and made available to consumers at a much-reduced cost than buying new.
There is no qualifications required to use this service.
Donors should contact ALLTECH to discuss the criteria for acceptable equipment and arrangements for transfer. Donors may request a letter of donation suitable for tax purposes.
We do not currently offer pick-up or delivery services for donations or purchases.
Our resale inventory constantly changes. Typical items include:
- Manual wheelchairs
- Power chairs
- Front-wheeled walkers
- Rollators
- 3-in-1 commodes
- Raised toilet seats
- Shower chairs
- Canes
- Crutches
Message our Facebook page or call or text 207-232-6421 for inquiries and store hours.
All used items are sold as-is and are not eligible for warranties or refunds.